Love That Works Counseling

Couples, Families & Individuals

Sensory Processing, EMDR, IASIS MC Neurofeedback, Imago Relationship and Attachment Therapy

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Do you feel….
… like something is missing, just not right.
… like you are not good enough, capable, or confident.
… stuck feeling unheard, alone and/or devalued.
… exhausted with lack of connectedness or acceptance.

Do you want to feel better? Therapy can help you… …

...feel lasting trust, safety and connection with yourself and others.…
...develop new ways to manage your life, behaviors, and emotions..
...move through the feelings of immobilization, to inner peace, courage and true love for yourself and others out misunderstandings, reduce conflict, and rediscover ways to bond, communicate, and find common ground within families, couples, and more

Looking for a therapist can be a tricky task.

The therapist and client relationship is a personal relationship. It’s important to find a therapist that fits for you.
You need to feel safe enough to share your vulnerabilities, and trust that the therapist actually gets you and can help you move through this difficult journey.
The overwhelming feelings of being alone, different, not good enough, trauma, anxiety, addictive patterns, eating issues, ADHD/ADD, low-esteem, or depression can be consuming
You feel stuck and hopeless. These emotional struggles, with no answers or relief, can lead you to looking for help and guidance.
Find a new way of living happy, confident and connected.
The work we’ll do together will enhance your understanding of your struggles, and help you improve the balance and quality of your choices.
This new enlightenment will decrease your anxiety and depression, as it empowers your self-worth and allows you more control to make better choices for a better life.
I walk with you through the exploration of coping, communication, and relationship patterns that have caused such havoc.
Develop healthy techniques and strategies for living your life, relaxed, calm, and safe.You’ll begin to enjoy life’s moments instead of trying to escape or numb-out.
I’m a trauma informed therapist treating individuals, couples, and families.
I combine a warm and relational style with years of experience and training in repairing from trauma, attachment difficulties, lack of connection and managing through anxiety, depression, and other debilitating emotions.
I approach each person I work with as an unique individual with the capacity for healing and living a life of greatness, wherever they are.
I focus the work on each individual, couple and family, utilizing CBT, Sensory Processing Therapy, EMDR Therapy, Mindfulness, Attachment- based Therapies, Relaxation/Guided Imagery, and Imago Relationship Therapy to build connection, value and a change with new beginnings.
These therapies help you find, and be in the space to tolerate, and move through difficult feelings , which allow you to develop your style in managing challenges in your new life.

I’ve been working in Occupational Therapy for the past 30+ years specializing in Sensory Processing Disorder. I’ve assisted many people and/or families manage symptoms that can be paired with sensory processing issues, such as: autism, ADHD, ADD, cutting, bipolar, and behavioral and emotional difficulties that disrupt our daily life.
As a Certified EMDR Therapist and an EMDRIA approved Consultant. I’ve paired sensory work with my EMDR skills and techniques forming an sensory-trauma informed protocol. This combination processes trauma and difficult feelings, such as anxiety and depression, at a much faster rate than other therapies. It calms down undesirable emotions and decreases impulsivity, tantrums, poor coping or communication skills.
As a Certified Imago Therapist and working with clients, I have incorporated IMAGO relationship/couples techniques, along with other therapies, to help rekindle and develop a tighter the bond, trust, and connection within themselves, their families, and/or with their partner.
EMDR, Imago, and sensory work are effective counseling techniques in managing difficult behaviors, emotions, and labels that may develop with these challenging issues.
I’ve developed an effective expertise with Eating Disorders, Addiction, Trauma, ADHD, OCD, and other diagnoses that have been difficult to treat and master.
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Individual Therapy

A Journey You Don’t Have to Make Alone. Individual therapy is a very personal journey. People seek therapy when they’re struggling to make sense of their life and who they are. Many times, they’re unsure of where to begin, or what is really missing or wrong. They’re “not happy” or “fulfilled” in their overall lives. Discover Who You Are with Individual Therapy Individual therapy helps you explore your coping, communication, and relationship patterns. You’ll be able to identify even the smallest glitch that’s causing you unhappiness or wholeness. Discover enhanced, emotional well-being in a safe, supportive environment that leads to positive feelings, including improved confidence, empowerment, and self-growth. Individual therapy helps you from feeling ‘stuck’ to feelings of successful and accomplishment through your life journey.


Couples Therapy

Become the Most Connected Couple You Know Feeling alone when you aren’t alone? Maybe you’re misunderstood, scared, and unable to connect with your partner – longing for the fun and exciting life you once had. Are you over the anger, contempt, and the feeling that you can do nothing right? It’s exhausting trying to communicate with no empathy or respect. Many couples find themselves in these situations, having these same feelings. The disconnect makes you wonder if the marriage was ever real or just a bad dream. These feelings of hopelessness and the desperate desire for connection may lead you and/or your partner to seek guidance and help with this journey. I can help!


Family Therapy

Family life… it can be a challenge. Maybe you’re having a difficult time communicating with your children. They don’t want to express and share their feelings about what’s happening in their lives. You and your partner argue over how to discipline or parent your children. When you try to work out your differences, are family members so busy talking over one another, waiting their turn to defend their position? It’s time to work together. It’s time to heal any mental, emotional, or psychological problems tearing your family apart. In order to help a family work together towards a healthy family life, family therapists aim to aid family members in improving communication, solving family problems, understanding and handling special family situations, and creating a better functioning home environment (Family Therapy, 2017A).



IASIS MCN Neurofeedback stimulates the brain to heal itself. A mild electrical signal is sent through the skull to the brain to help it to self regulate. This is an FDA approved, non-invasive method to allow the brain to regulate itself.



IASIS MCN Neurofeedback

IASIS MCN Neurofeedback stimulates the brain to heal itself. This is a non-invasive method to allow the brain to regulate itself. IASIS MCN is 510K FDA registered and approved, as a relaxation device This makes it possible to gently dissolve trapped patterns and, when necessary, disengage the brain. Only unhealthy and dysfunctional brain patterns are changed by doing this; healthy ones stay the same because they are adaptable by nature. As a result, the brain and nervous system are in a different state of brainwaves and are much better able to govern themselves. IASIS MCN is undetectable to the customer and takes no active effort on their part. IASIS MCN is 510K FDA registered and approved, as a relaxation device More than 85% of patients who receive IASIS MCN treatment, according to our experience, see good changes within two to three sessions; nevertheless, for long-lasting effects, we advise 12 to 20 sessions. The length of treatments varies according to the particular demands of each patient and the timing of the treatment procedure. An appointment for treatment typically lasts about 30 minutes. Patients describe improvements that are typically long-lasting and durable over time, and the effects of IASIS MCN are cumulative in nature. The IASIS MCN device is very beneficial in a variety of ways that affect the daily lives of many people. IASIS MCN CAN HELP WITH WHAT? Insomnia Memory Problems Lyme illness Memory Problems Migraines psychological conditions Trauma and PTSD Symptoms Stroke TBI (traumatic brain injury) ADD/ADHD Emotional Control Upregulated Nervous System in Anxiety Irritable Bowel Syndrome disturbances in sleep Depression Epilepsy Stress Reduction Fibromyalgia Headaches Maximum Performance IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE. Reduce restrictions. IASIS IS FOR WHOM? IASIS MCN is secure for both grownups and kids. Although IASIS MCN has been demonstrated to be safe for the vast majority of people, our staff will go through a thorough intake process to screen for any treatment concerns.


Definition of Telehealth: Telehealth involves the use of electronic communications to enable Kathy Gray to connect with individuals using live interactive video and audio communications. Telehealth includes the practice of psychological health care delivery, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, referral to resources, education, and the transfer of medical and clinical data. I use ZOOM which is a HIPPA compliant service.

Integrated Pathways

The Integrated Pathways Model introduces for the first time the power of Occupational Therapy’s Sensory Modulation when combined with EMDR, Imago, and Attachment Theories. Processing the negative messages from the past allows for healthier behaviors into the present, and effectively processing the bombardment of sensory input, as well as the reconnecting or attaching to ourselves and others allows a broader range of recovery. IP Model incorporates the nutritional /supplemental aspect to one's over well being and connecting the mind-body-brain. This Integrated Pathways Model is for all treatment diagnoses, for example, PTSD, ADD/ADHD, OCD, Eating Disorders, Anxiety, Addictions, Depression, Autism, Attachment Difficulties, Learning difficulties, trauma, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, and more.

  • 1525 Lakeville Dr. Kingwood, Texas 77339

Email or text is best way to reach me. I am in session during the day and I am unable to answer the phone.

Certified EMDR Therapist and Consultant in Training
Specialist in Sensory Processing/Self-regulation
Houston Eating Disorder Specialist
Certified IMAGO Relationship and Couples Therapy
ICP- IASIS Certified Practitioner

*1525 Lakeville Drive, Suite 114
Kingwood, Texas 77339

Phone: 281-223-3421

Cancellation Policy
Appointments missed or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will be charged at the full scheduled session fee. Please do not rely on email as sufficient notice for cancelling appointments. Be sure to give me a call or text.

I will provide you with a Receipt For Service which you can then file with your insurance company to be directly reimbursed. My services are covered in part by most health insurance plans - I would be an "Out-of-Network Provider" on your plan. My credentials for coverage are Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist.

Sessions are $165.+
Informed Consent and Practice Policies for Office and Online Therapy


Emergency Care


Patient Intake Form

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Connecting Eating Disorders and Sensory Processing Disorder: A Sensory Eating Disorder Hypothesis

Connecting Eating Disorders and Sensory Processing Disorder: A Sensory Eating Disorder Hypothesis

Eating disorders are pathological conditions characterized by disturbed eating behaviors that affect mental and physical health. Among them, some Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), Pica and Anorexia Nervosa (AN) studies have shown, at least in part, a sensory-related etiology. Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a neurological condition that exists when the brain has an altered processing of sensory signals, resulting in non-adaptive motor and/or behavioral responses. Some of the SPD phenotypes include hyper or hypo-reactivity to one or more sensory channels, including tactile, olfactory, visual and oral that might have connections with the aforementioned eating disorders, like atypical responses from determined food colors, textures or smells which eventually lead to unhealthy eating behaviors, weight imbalance, malnutrition and psychosocial impairment. We have gathered and discussed some of the most relevant studies about the connection between eating disorders and SPD, proposing a general term called sensory eating disorder to define peculiar SPD cases that might evolve to an established eating disorder. Keywords: Sensory processing disorder; Eating disorders; Sensory eating disorder; Avoidant-restrictive; Food intake disorder; Pica; Anorexia nervosa; Autism Abbreviations : ARFID: Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder; AN: Anorexia Nervosa; SPD: Sensory Processing Disorder

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