Individual Therapy

A Journey You Don’t Have to Make Alone. Individual therapy is a very personal journey. People seek therapy when they’re struggling to make sense of their life and who they are. Many times, they’re unsure of where to begin, or what is really missing or wrong. They’re “not happy” or “fulfilled” in their overall lives. Discover Who You Are with Individual Therapy Individual therapy helps you explore your coping, communication, and relationship patterns. You’ll be able to identify even the smallest glitch that’s causing you unhappiness or wholeness. Discover enhanced, emotional well-being in a safe, supportive environment that leads to positive feelings, including improved confidence, empowerment, and self-growth. Individual therapy helps you from feeling ‘stuck’ to feelings of successful and accomplishment through your life journey.


Couples Therapy

Become the Most Connected Couple You Know Feeling alone when you aren’t alone? Maybe you’re misunderstood, scared, and unable to connect with your partner – longing for the fun and exciting life you once had. Are you over the anger, contempt, and the feeling that you can do nothing right? It’s exhausting trying to communicate with no empathy or respect. Many couples find themselves in these situations, having these same feelings. The disconnect makes you wonder if the marriage was ever real or just a bad dream. These feelings of hopelessness and the desperate desire for connection may lead you and/or your partner to seek guidance and help with this journey. I can help!


Family Therapy

Family life… it can be a challenge. Maybe you’re having a difficult time communicating with your children. They don’t want to express and share their feelings about what’s happening in their lives. You and your partner argue over how to discipline or parent your children. When you try to work out your differences, are family members so busy talking over one another, waiting their turn to defend their position? It’s time to work together. It’s time to heal any mental, emotional, or psychological problems tearing your family apart. In order to help a family work together towards a healthy family life, family therapists aim to aid family members in improving communication, solving family problems, understanding and handling special family situations, and creating a better functioning home environment (Family Therapy, 2017A).



IASIS MCN Neurofeedback stimulates the brain to heal itself. A mild electrical signal is sent through the skull to the brain to help it to self regulate. This is an FDA approved, non-invasive method to allow the brain to regulate itself.

